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  1. Please ensure you arrive 5-10 minutes early for your session and queue on the socially distanced yellow markers next to the fence side of the carpark. Only leave your child when they have entered the facility. Anyone who is late arriving may not be let in the building as all members of staff will be busy.  Social distancing will be in place at all times during classes. 

  2. The changing and viewing area will be closed for the time being, we have allocated drop of and pick up zones to limit the number of people in the building at any one time.  

  3. If you have any queries on purchasing an item from our shop or general queries/ questions, please send us a message on CGC coaches' messenger or via email. We have a schedule to keep to and must ensure the gymnasts get in and out of the gym as quickly as possible. 

  4. Children should not attend their gymnastics class if within the last 14 days they have been in contact with another person who has shown symptoms or they have symptoms of coronavirus (

  5. Gymnasts will be required to sanitise their hands when entering reception. Boxes will be provided to every gymnast which they will need to put all of their belongings in. This box will be taken into the gym and placed in their work zone.  

  6. Gymnasts are then provided with a pair of CGC grippy socks which are to be worn during their class to avoid skin contact with equipment. Competitive gymnasts may occasionally need to remove their socks for certain skills, they will need to spray their feet with sanitiser before starting work on a new area of equipment. 

  7. Earring tape and hair bands cannot be provided by the gym. You must ensure your child is ready for gymnastics and unfortunately, if hair is loose or earrings are not covered or removed, your child will not be allowed into their class. A catch-up session may be provided depending availability.

  8. Toilets will be allocated to groups of gymnasts (yellow, orange, green) to limit cross contamination as much as possible. Gymnasts will only use their allocated colour toilet.  Gymnasts should try and go to the toilet before leaving the house to limit the use of our toilets as much as possible. Gymnasts will wash their hands for 20 seconds and use a paper towel to dry which will then be put into an open top bin. A spare coach will ensure that the flusher, toilet seat, door handle and taps are wiped before anyone else enters.  

  9. Gymnasts will be asked to re-sanitise their hands before they move to a different area or new piece of equipment to prevent cross contamination. 

  10. If a child becomes injured during a gymnastics class and a coach needs to give first aid, a face shield and gloves will be worn by the coach unless emergency first aid is required. Our coaches have up to date first aid certificates and know how to provide effective treatment curing COVID-19, whilst also keeping both the gymnasts and themselves safe. 

  11. Gymnasts must ensure they are listening to their coach at all times, safety of each and every member is up most important. 

  12. The gym will be sprayed with a Zoflora disinfectant spray at regular intervals during the day and every evening. ZoFlora has a 3 in 1 action that kills 99.9% of bacteria and viruses.  

  13. Parents / guardians are responsible for ensuring their child showers/ washes after their sessions (eliminating any risk of rashes due to the disinfectants on we use on the equipment). 

  14. Parents/ Guardians must agree for any relevant data to be shared with relevant authorities should it be needed in case of a positive case. 

  15. If you have been abroad, please inform the club and do not attend your sessions for 14 days after returning into the UK. 

  16. Pick up will be from the white door at the side of the building.  Please ensure social distancing by using the yellow lines when queuing to pick up your child up at the end of their session. 

  17. Gymnasts will socially distance queue at the end of their sessions with their boxes. They will remove their grippy socks and place them in the bucket on the way out of the door. Gymnasts will be asked to sanitise their hands when exiting the gym if they wish. 

  18. Please leave the collection area promptly. 

  19. Please ensure all gymnasts gym kit for the day is washed before attending the gym and they are in a newly /freshly washed kit. 


CGC is a ‘not-for-profit’ social enterprise and our only source of funding is through our members fees. We endeavour to support all members as much as possible and want to ensure we can continue to provide quality, fun gymnastics sessions in the future.  

We are looking forward to all of our members being back in the gym. 

Best wishes, please stay safe. 

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